F ~ OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for construction equipments



1.      Load Frame capacity 5000 kg electrically operated.
2.      Mould 150 mm dia x 175 mm high.
3.      Base plate for the mould.
4.      Collar 150mm dia x 50mm high.
5.      Penetration Piston face dia 50mm.
6.      Bracket for mounting the dial gauge.
7.      Displacer block 148 mm dia x 47.7 mm long.
8.      Surcharge weights 2.5 kg anuular and 2.5 kg slotted.
9.      Perforated Plate.
10.  Tripod stand.
11.  Cutting collar.
12.  Proving Ring with calibration certificate.

INTRODUCTION : The CBR Test Apparatus meets the requirements of IS 2720 (Part XVI).  It is for the laboratory determination of CBR ratio of undisturbed soil specimen obtained from the field and also remoulded specimen of the soiled compacted  in the laboratory both in soaked and unsoaked state.

DESCRIPTION : The load frame consist of four pillars hand operated is provided with strain dial gauge bracket moves up and down on the one of the pillar and can be locked at any desired position.  A Proving Ring adopter is provided in the center of loading screw.  The load application is achieved by the down ward movement of the load screw in which the loading platen is mounted.

MOULD : The mould  (2) is a open ended cylinder.  It is provided with two bosses for clamping.

BASE PLATE : It is circular base plate with a recess for positioning either end of the mould.  It has two studs both the mould and the collar can be clamped each other.

COLLER : The collar is an open cylinder and has two bosses. It is provided with a recess for positioning on the mould.

PENETRATION PISTION : The piston is a steel cylinder with face of 50 mm dia.  A reamed hole and locking screw are provided for a dial gauge bracket standard threads are provided at one end for screwing into a Proving Ring.

DISPLACER BLOCK : The displacer block 47.7 mm thick is made of steel and is completely machined from all sides.  This act as a false bottom in the cylindrical mould during the compaction process to give a required height of the compacted specimen.  A handle is provided to remove the displacer disc after compaction.

SURCHARGE WEIGHT : The surcharge weight is an annular disc weighing 2.5 kg and is used in the application of surcharged load on the soil surface during socking and penetration.

PERFORATED PLATE : The perforated brass  plate has an adjustable  stem and ock nut.  It acts as a spacer between the soil surface and dial gauge mounted on a tripod in the swell test.

TRIPOD : The tripod is made of one piece to ensure proper alignment of stability  at all times.  A clamp is provided to hold a dia gauge easy mounted.  The tripod sits on the top of the mould in a three point mounting.

CUTTING COLLER :  The cutting collar is machined from seamless steel tubing.  Recess in the upper section makes it possible to  mount the cutting collar at either  end of the mould to facilitate the taking of undisturbed soil samples.

PROVING RING :  The Proving Ring is for measuring the applied load and has capacity of 5000 kg.  A calibration chart is also provided showing the relation between deformation and load.

DIAL GAUGE : The dial gauge measure the penetration piston and swell of the specimen.  It has a least count of 0.01mm and a range of .01 x 25mm travel.

SPECIMEN PREPARATION : Fix the steel cutting collar to the mould and push it as gently as possible in the ground, digging out the soil as the mould is pushed in, remove the mould by under digging.  Trim the top and undersides so that the correct length of specimen is obtained.

REMOULDED: The dry density for remoulding shall be either the field density or the value of the maximum dry density estimated by the compaction tests, or any other density which the bearing ration is desired.  The moisture content used for compaction should be the optimum moisture content or the field moisture as the case may be.  Take the material passing 20mm sieve.  Allowing for larger material shall be made by replacing it by an equal amount of material which passes 20mm IS  sieve but retained at 4.75mm IS sieves.

STATE COMPACTION : Calculate the weight of the wet soil at the required moisture contents to give the desired density when occupying the standard specimen volume in the mould.  Mix a batch of soil thoroughly with water to give the required moisture contents.  Place the correct weight of the moisture soil in the mould clamped to the base plate with a filter paper in between.  Place a filter paper ever the soil, position the displacer disc on the top of the filter paper with threaded face up.  Keep the assembly in the Compression Machine.  Press the displacer disc  until it is flush with the rim of the mould  when  required volume of specimen is obtained although with some soil types it may be necessary to continue the loading until, the displacer disc is just below the rim in order to allow for the elastic recovery of the soil, when the load is removed.

DYANAMIC COMPACTION : Take a representative sample of the soil weighing  approximate 4.5 kg or more for fine grained soils and 5.5 kg or more granules soils and fix the roughly with water.  If the soil is to be compacted to the maximum dry density at the optimum moisture contents determined in accordance with the Indian Standard specifications using light compaction or heavy compaction taking the exact weight of soils required and mix it thoroughly with the necessary quality of water to give the determined optimum moisture contents.

Place the displacer block on the base plate with its threaded face facing the base plate.  Keep a coarse filter paper over it clamp the mould with the extension collar, attached to the base plate.  For light compaction method compact the way soil into the mould three layer each layer being given 56 blows using  the rammer weighing 2.6 kg dropping from a height of 310mm and for heavy compaction method compact the wet soil in five layers each layer being given 56 blows using the rammer weighing 4.8 kg dropping from a height of 450mm.  Uniformly distribute the blows over the surface of each layer.  Care shall be taken to keep the sleeve free from the soil.

Remove the extension collar and carefully trim the compacted soil  even with of the mould by means of a straight  edge.  Patch up any holes that may then  develop on the surface of the compacted soil by the removal of coarse material using the smaller size material.

Dismantle the mould from the base plate and record  the weight of the mould and  the  compacted  specimen.  Remove the displacer  disc from the plate and place a filter paper over it.  Invert the mould and clamp it to the base plate.

TEST PROCEDURE OF SWELL TEST :  Place a filter over the specimen if it is not already there and position the perforated plate with adjustable stem on the specimen.  Adjust the stem height such that it touches the plunger of the dial gauge fixed to the tripod when mounted on the mould.  Apply the weight to produce a surcharge equal to the weight of the base material and pavement in actual construction with 2.5 kg. The whole weight, however shall be less than 5 kg immerse the whole mould and weight in a tank of water allowing free access of water to the top and bottom of the specimen.  Fix the dial gauge to the tripod and mount it on the mould.  Record the initial dial gauge reading. Keep this set up as such undisturbed for 96 hours (presuming that the soil specimen is fully saturated) note down the dial gauge reading everyday against the time of reading. If the expansion cases within 96 hours the reading may be taken up to the final expansion and report the total time of soaking.  A shorter immersion period may be permissible for soils that take up moisture readily, if test shows that the shorter period does not effect the test results.  Maintain a constant water level in the tank throughout the period.  At the end of the soaking period note the final reading of the dial gauge, remove the tripod, take the mould out of the water thank, remove the surcharge weight and the perforated plate.

Remove the free water and allow the specimen to drain downwards for 15 minutes being careful to see that the surface of the specimen is not disturbed during removal of the free water, determine the weight of the mould with soaked soil sample.

PENETRATION TEST :  Position the load frame on firm level base, screw in the Proving Ring to the adapter, screw in the penetration  piston (5) to the Proving Ring at its lower end.  Position the mould on the loading plates of the load frame, place the surcharge weights, sufficient to produced an intensity of loading equal to the weight of the base material and pavement within 2.5 kg but not less than 5 kg. If the specimen has been soaked previously.  The surcharge shall be equal to that used during the soaking period.

Raise the loading platen and seat.  The piston centrally on top of the specimen and raise it clear of the specimen but not clear of a surcharge weight.  Fix  dial gauge to the bracket.  Position the bracket in the reamed hole  of the penetration piston and adjust the length of its such that the dial gauge plunger sets on the rim of the collar by the locking screw on the penetration piston.  Bring the piston in contract with the specimen and apply the smallest possible load but in no case in excess of 4 kg so that the full contact is established between the surface of the specimen and the piston.  Set the Proving Ring dial gauge and penetration dial gauge to zero.  Consider the initial load applied to the piston as the zero load when determining the load/penetration relation.

Apply the load on the penetration piston so that the penetration is approximate 1.25mm/min.  Records the load reading at penetration of 0.5,2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.5, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm.  Record the maximum load and penetration if it occurs for a penetration of less than 12.5mm at the end of the test dismantle the assembly and determine the moisture contents taking about 20 to 50 gm. Of the soil from the top 3cm layer of the specimen.  If the average moisture contents of the  whole specimen is desired, take the moisture contents of the whole specimen is desired, take the moisture contents samples from the entire depth of the specimen.

                                                Df   -  ds
Expansion Ratio                                                     x  100
Where  df   =  Final dial gauge reading in mm.
             ds    =  Initial height of the specimen in mm.
              h    =   Initial height of the specimen in mm.

Plot the penetration/load curve.  A correction is applied by drawing a tangent to the curve at the point of greatest slope.  The corrected curve is this tangent plus the convex portion of the original curve with the origin at the pt. Where the tangent cuts the horizontal axis.

Corresponding to the penetration value at which the California bearing ratio is desired take the corrected load values from the load/penetration curve and calculate the CBR.

California Bearing Ratio                     =                      x 100

Where Pt  = Corrected unit (or total) test load/corresponding to the chosen penetration from the load/penetration curve.

Where Ps =  Unit (or total) standard load for the same depth of penetration as  for Pt taken from the following table.

Penetration Depth (mm)
Unit Standard Load (kg/cm2)
Total Standard Load KG



1.      Keep all the parts clean and the dial gauge in their boxes when not in use.
2.      Never oil the spindle of the dial gauge.
3.      Keep the exposed parts of the load frame greased  and the penetration piston  should be cleaned and greased when not in use.
4.      Keep the cutting collar cleaned and greased.
